Reikipraktijk ' de weg ' Haarlem

Every month we make up a large circle of energy and you can send energy to anyone but you may also receive energy. How nice is that! We all use the Universal Life Energy. We're not always there in silence. We are very busy caring for the other, but we are forgetting ourselves. We are so busy with caring for each other that we forget ourself. That's why it's so important you occasionally charging and receiving energy. If you need energy and you are not in the oppurtunity to send it yourself ,No problem. In this group you can also simply just receive! Feel welcome! Can and will you also send energy through the Circle of Energy then we invite you to this , you are also more than welcome to join! You know people who need a helping hand to receive the spine and energy or you know someone who wants to participate to send energy, let them know of the existence of the Circle of Energy! Like the Facebook page of Circle of Energy to keep informed and to participate in this beautiful event monthly. The page Circle of Energy Liken and Sharing event? Yeah, like that we appreciate it! The more people, the Circle of Energy with doing more beautiful and more intense! How does it work? How to participate? Like the Facebook page of Circle of Energy to stay informed and register by ordering a free ticket, it will be put each month at the Circle of Energy page to get involved with this beautiful monthly event. How to order your FREE TICKETS (S) Click on the link at the top of the Circle of Energy page. Enter your details and receive your certificate of participation to download. When you order your free ticket, enter your details for your data. Your details are safe with us. We will not pass on your data use to third parties or for commercial purposes. How do you send energy? Imagine that you send to all the people who have purchased a ticket energy. These people now form a circle Right palm facing down, left palm opened up, so we are interconnected, with your right hand would you, with your left hand you will receive it is important for the proper flow of energy. Imagine: You form a skylight of energy that you are now sending, top, bottom and left and right of you, with every breath you pull the energy to you and through you, with each exhalation, growing white skylight. You see him expand. It gets bigger and bigger every dark place in and outside of us, illuminated and filled Keep your attention here. Watch your breath, this is also good for your awareness and increase strength. The beauty is that you receive and send, also directed your mind.

 Direct link ticket
It,s on the bottem of the page on the left side

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